Briess 2-Row Brewers Malt



Product Details

Probably the most commonly used base malt in all-grain or partial-mash brewing. Briess 2-Row Brewers Malt yields a slightly higher extraction rate than 6-Row. 2-Row is well modified, smooth, and high in enzymes. A single step infusion mash will easily convert 2-Row, but a protein rest is recommended to improve clarity.


Additional Characteristics / Applications

  • 1.8° Lovibond
  • Malt Style: Base malt
  • Flavor: Clean, sweet, mild malty
  • Color: Contributes light straw color


SKUW401I (whole), C401I (milled), G401k (50 lb. bag)
Diastatic Power140 Lintner
Extract Percentage81%
Moisture Percentage4.2%
Grain UsageUse as a base malt for all beer styles
Grain TypeDomestic Base Malt
Malt ColorLight (0-15° L)
Alpha Amylase65